What a gorgeous day, AGAIN! This must be the most beautiful October we've had in a LONG time. I love it! Anyway, I feel so much better today! I actually feel like I MIGHT be better...shhhhhhh. Don't wanna jinx it. ;) Soccer was great yesterday. We only lost by 1 to a team that is undefeated and TOUGH! The kids played their hearts out. Ryan made our one and only goal...but not without injury. I WISH I could have videotaped it...he came up on the left side of the goal, threw himself into the ball, kicked it while in the air and went right into the goal post with his chest before landing on the ground. He lost consciousness briefly before coming to (he says he doesn't remember anything after kicking the ball and doesn't remember standing up) He couldn't breathe for a while and we had to help him off the field. He had the wind completely knocked out of him. This happened in the 3rd quarter, but guess who was back in in the 4th quarter? Yup...no keeping him down. He was determined to tie up the game, but just couldn't get it done. Now before you jump on me for letting him play after that, he didn't TELL me until AFTER the game that he passed out. I could have strangled him for not telling me that! *^&&$%@$#@$##$^ But, he's ok! Thank God! (that boy is going to send me to an early grave) Alex just surprised me by coming home from school early! They had a bomb scare and sent everyone home! Apparently someone did some graffiti on the boys' bathroom wall that says "BOOM at 1:45" The school's on lock down...no football, nothing. Some kid is going to be in HUGE amounts of trouble when they find out who wrote it! That's a federal offense with or without a real bomb! (wouldn't playing hookie be easier than going to juvie?) Eric, of course, just called CBS 3 News to let them know all about it. He's too funny! If they actually do a story on it, I'll post it here so you can see it! Ryan is taking snowboarding lessons starting in January at Shawnee Mountain in the Poconos. They offer it at school so every Thursdays starting Jan 8th they leave school at 2:30 on a chartered bus, head to the Poconos, and then they snowboard (or ski, but he wants snowboarding) until 10:00 @ night then they come home. Bo could do it too, but because it's so expensive, we have made it a rule that they can go in 6th grade. So, Bo can go next year. And Emma can do it her 6th grade year. We think that's fair! OK...guess that's about it for an update. Everyone is well. The baby is real close to walking...Elliott is being a typical cute 3 year old...and life is good.
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