Monday, September 22, 2008

Emma's Heart Update

Phew...ok...Emma had her EKG and echo cardiogram this morning. SHE IS A-OK! The Pediatric Cardiologist found nothing but a tiny heart murmur that she said was nothing to worry about. Yay Emma!!! So, we have a clean bill of health. The chest pains she gets they believe are growing pains! (muscle spasms) She is getting so tall, so fast! That could be causing her pain. We'll take that over heart troubles!

Bo has been sick since Friday with a horrible chest cold so he is home today. He had to miss soccer yesterday, so he was NOT a happy camper! Kevin also came home from school early today because of a bad earache. Not even October yet and the kids are falling apart! It's gonna be a LONG winter!

Well, soccer coaching is going relatively well. I've had a ton of help from parents so it's been a lot of fun! We lost our first game last week, 2-1 (Ryan scored our one and only goal) BUT we tied yesterday 3-3. (of course, my Ryan scored 2 of those goals) LOL. He makes me so proud!! Emma's team won yesterday it's been a good season so far.

Alex is knee deep in football. I probably shouldn't discuss their scores...let's just say...I'm thinking the high school maybe shouldn't have a football team. *snicker*...the kids are not very happy with how the season is going so far. But,'s for fun, right??? YEAH RIGHT!! The boys really don't think so. I think Alex is enjoying it though.

Kevin is doing great! He was asked to play on his school's soccer team! HE IS DOING IT!! I am just amazed that he even wants to TRY! He is also on the Debate Team...he has to be involved in a court process. It's super intense...but he is going forward with it. I have told Kevin be the one who ends up being a successful lawyer!! He LOVES this stuff! (who knew?) The older he gets, the more potential I see in this young man! It just goers to show, despite disabilities, you CAN do what you set your mind too. I think Kevin may just be a testimony to just that! (it sure would be nice to know that all his hard work all these years paid off nicely for him...hey...and for HIS PARENTS!!) ;)

Guess that's about it. Ryan has a very busy year...he leaves for Camp Fairview the week before Thanksgiving with the 6th grade...he's involved in community service...goes to DC this year (which I can't wait for...LOVE that trip) and graduates. Aaaaaaak! Then we get to do it all over again next year with Bo! to play Nurse Mom

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Been A While

I am so sorry. Things have been insanely busy! Soccer, school, football, work...crazy!!! *insert pulling hair out smiley here*

Anyway, wanted to post this the elections get closer, the more I hope and pray John McCain is our next President.

Here are a few things to consider...

Proud to be an American

Letting Babies Die

Have tissues handy for both of these...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Gotta' Love Rush...

Read this on my Conservative Forum...I LOVE it!!!!

RUSH: I'm thinking of endorsing Obama. Well, everybody's asking me about my endorsement. I want to give you a reason why I'm thinking of endorsing Obama. Listen to this. (playing of Barack Obama spoof)

Barack Obama, ladies and gentlemen, is a blank canvas upon which anybody can project their fantasies, or their desires. You look at Democrats in the audience, and they're swooning. He's saying nothing. He's saying nothing better than anybody in my lifetime ever has. The reason he says nothing so well is because everybody thinks that he's saying what they want. So they're able to project onto Obama their fantasies. If they believe in allowing somebody to marry a dog, they think Obama will support it. Therefore, I would like today to announce a tentative decision, I'm stilling thinking about it, to endorse Barack Obama, since everybody is asking who am I going to endorse, and here's why. Barack Obama is pro-life. Barack Obama is a Constitutionalist. Barack Obama believes in limited government. Barack Obama is in favor of health care savings plans. Barack Obama loves free markets and wants to protect them. Barack Obama is strong on national defense. Barack Obama is a tax cutter extraordinaire. Barack Obama makes my leg tingle when I hear him speak. Barack Obama will end the designated hitter rule. Barack Obama will establish a college football playoff once and for all so we will genuinely have a champion. Barack Obama will get to the bottom of Spygate. Barack Obama will offer free beer Fridays. Whatever you want Obama to be, folks, he's a blank slate, he's an empty canvas, and this is the nature of his appeal. Whatever people fantasize about, whatever they want, they are confident Obama supports it, too.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another September

Well, here we go again! Kevin went back to school yesterday and had a terrific day! Alex went back today...haven't heard from him yet, but I'm anxious to hear all about his first day! Ryan and Bo are at the Safety Patrol meeting right now, and Emma and they start school tomorrow! I was so proud of my guys today. I had to take Gideon, Emma and Elliott for well checks at the doc today. While we were gone, Ryan and Bo both got showers and walked themselves to school ON TIME! They are just growing and growing! Ryan just called and asked if he can stay with his friends longer so I said sure. Bo's on his way home.

Well, Gideon is 18 pounds now and 27 inches long! Elliott is over 2 years older and only 29 pounds and 37 inches. LOL. (I'm thinking Gideon will bypass Elliott quite quickly!) Emma is being sent to St Peters Hospital in New Brunswick to see the pediatric cardiologist. UGH...I thought we were done with all that years ago. But, they want her seen. So, I have to call today to make that appointment.

Guess that's it, for now. Gideon is an unhappy camper after 4 shots and a lead test. OUCH!!

Oh, I almost forgot...I am coaching soccer for the 10/11 yr olds. I said I wasn't going to do it, but after much begging by the Pres, I agreed to do it. It's nice though because I have Bo AND Ryan on my team. We start practices next week and our first game is next weekend! I must be crazy!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Prayers for The Gulf Coast

Just wanted to extend prayers to everyone affected by Hurricane Gustav. And also sending HUGE kudos to the Republicans who are putting the victims first and not themselves!