So, turns out my photo made the CBS morning news yesterday! I MISSED it!!! Bo's teacher told him yesterday that they showed a photo I had submitted and mentioned "Carmen from Lambertville"...I thought it was pretty cool that they picked MY photo (there are 42 submitted, so far) Here is a link to the slide show that they have now on their website...not sure if it takes you directly to my photo or not. Might have to go through them to find it. But, it's worth it. They are all good!! (if you like fall pictures) http://cbs3.com/slideshows/Fall.Foliage.Photos.20.834715.html?rid=21 Well, not sure what was up with Gi last night. He woke up screaming at 2 am and didn't go back to bed until 4:45. On top of that, I coughed ALL NIGHT LONG! The cough medicine isn't working. I'm going to need something stronger or I'm afraid I'll never sleep again. I do NOT function well on little sleep so I KNOW I am getting on everyone's last nerve. I just wish this stupid chest cold would go away, already. Eric was, once again, a fabulous husband this morning. He knew I didn't sleep so he never woke me up this morning. I woke up at 8:30 and jumped out of bed. I thought we had BOTH overslept and everyone was late! NOPE...Eric got EVERYONE out the door for school and himself off to work! I heard NOTHING! Not sure what I did to deserve such an amazing guy, but I'm blessed, that's for sure! Well, having some Kevin issues. Got a call from the principal yesterday that he's been hearing voices (and was over the weekend) and having a tough time emotionally. He's been quite depressed at home, too. Saturday night he was biting himself to draw blood, then when Eric tried to stop him, he started to beat the crud out of him (kicking him over and over)...I KNOW Eric has some bruises on his legs from him...they were HARD kicks. Then he curled up in a fetal position and sobbed for at least an hour. He sleeps during the day, stays up all night. He's having a real rough time!! So, a call went in to the doc yesterday and she upped his seroquel at night to 1) help him sleep and 2) help with the depression and rage. The poor kid. I was half expecting he was going to need another hospitalization...quite frankly, I do see it coming. I hope we can avoid it...but with his chemistry changing so much, he just might need some inpatient care. We'll see. The doc seemed hopeful about the increase in the seroquel and his school is being amazing in taking care of Kev. I KNOW he's in good hands during the day. So, pray for him! Bipolar Sucks! Guess that's about it. Last Presidential debate tonight...if I can manage to stay awake, I might watch it. The last one was a real dozer! Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Go McCain!
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