Friday, August 8, 2008

It's Friday...Yay!!!

Another week is history! Eric surprised me yesterday by staying home and surprised me again TODAY by staying home! I had a rough Wednesday (bad mental day) so I'm guessing he knew I needed a mental health day yesterday. I spent the entire afternoon cleaning Emma and Bo's room and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I can officially say the entire 3rd floor of this house is CLEAN!!! I'm so happy! Today I am officially getting rid of our big walk-in clothes room to make room for my office. We decided to TRY and make my present office a place for the kids to study, do homework, etc. So, my goal is to get all the clothes back into everyone's bedrooms and make the clothes room an eBay/photo room. LOTS of work, but worth it in the end, I think. I am being called to the kitchen...

Above are the photos of Emma and Bo's room! Wish I had a before photo...honestly, you couldn't walk in there! Oh, and I hadn't made the beds yet that's why it looks like a hospital room...LOL

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