Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Is It September Yet?

UGH...I've had it! These guys need to go back to school! They are driving me CRAZY!!!!

Not to mention Gideon decided sleep wasn't an option last night. Not sure what's up with him? And Elliott...aaaaaaaaaaaaaak! He kept Eric up for God knows how long.

Sooooooo, needless to say, Eric and I are very grumpy today! Oh well...this too, shall pass.

Let's see...Alex has a sleepover tonight with friends. They are going to a movie and then seeing who can stay up the longest! They have a water gun fight at 3 am and play Mafiopoly (a mafia version of monopoly...don't ask...hey, we live in NJ, what do you expect?) until they pass out. Oh fun.

Bo is going through a phase right now where he does NOT want to sleep alone. Ever since he came home from his "vacations" he has been having major anxiety over sleeping in his room. So, he's been in the toddler bed in our room. (yes, he's waaaay too big for it, but he'd rather sleep all bunched up then be alone) And, since Emma won't sleep without Bo, she's been on our floor. I asked Ryan and Alex if they would like to sleep in our room too?? *rolling eyes*...thankfully, they said NO. :) Bo has been so scared when it gets close to bedtime that he gets physically ill. He can't figure out what is causing it...we have sat down and tried to find the root cause, but he honestly doesn't know. I thought maybe he was homesick while he was gone, but he said not at all. So, who knows?

Kevin has been manic the last 2 nights and last night it was so bad his sentences were running together terrible. 4:00 am he was rambling on about something and a bird and something and then he asked if he could take a shower. I also gave him another clonidine and I HOPE he can sleep today. (I'll check on him soon)

OK...Elliott issues. I'll be back later to update!

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