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skip to sidebar it was time for a change. I have been blogging on Yahoo 360 fior the past 3 years and it's just not doing it for me anymore. I remained faithful to yahoo hoping they would "change their ways" but they haven't. *sigh* So, here I am, with a new home!
For those of you reading this for the first time...I am Carmen, mother of 7 biological kids and 1 step-son and wife to an amazing, wonderful Christian man! Our kids range from 16 (almost 17 end of August) down to 8 months old. There is 1 girl in the mix...she is 8!
Anyway...I am just going to start here where I left off on was today's post...
Oh has been AGES since I blogged!! First of all...Julie!!! Where did the time go???? 31 weeks???? WOW!! I am THRILLED and can NOT wait for you to have this baby already!!
Yvonna ~ I'm so sorry I left you alone to blog! I promise you I'm back!
Hope you have a good time with Emma today! She is sooooooooooooooooo excited!
Mama Joyce ~ I AM alive and well and things are good...just busy as you can see from across the street!
But, you know you're my favorite neighbor! Tammy ~ Yes, I am still hangin' around up here in Joisey! Kids are alive and kicking...same ole' stuff! Hope your kiddos are doing great and things are good in the Fitz household! Mom ~ Well, you know how busy I've been, so no need to apologize to you. I love you! OK...I think that about covers the majority of people who read this! If I missed anyone of great significance, please forgive me. I have Summer-Mom Brain...which means there's barely any of it left. (Is it September yet?) Kids are all great. Little Alex spent a week in South Carolina last week with the grandparents, Titi Jeanne and Uncle Matt. he had a blast! He is also playing football at the high school this year (and doing quite well, I might add) He seems to be loving it! Bo is our little world traveler. He spent all last week in North Carolina with his friend, Jacob. He arrived home on Thursday just to turn around again on Friday to head to the shore with his friend, Kayla. He FINALLY blessed us with his presence on Monday night around 10:00 pm. He is sooooooooooooo dark and tan. Pretty funny for a little Polish/Irish/German kid.
Kevin has spent 6 weeks at my mom's house down in Maryland. He has had a great summer, but is coming home this Friday. He's ready! My handsome 14 yr old also got glasses and looks fabulous! AND he can see again. (he's almost blind in one eye...his eyesight is real bad) Doc says he'll need new prescriptions probably every year. (like he needed something else to deal with) Last week, since we were minus sooooooooooo many kiddos, Eric took 3 days off from work so we got to have a mini vacation. So, what better thing to do when your mom lives at the beach than to bombard her house! So, Ryan, Emma, Elliott, Gideon, Eric and I drove to Maryland and spent 4 days at mom's. It was a nice visit. Elliott is a handful and into EVERYTHING, but even he was pretty well behaved. Emma decided she wanted to stay at Mima's house until she brought Kevin home, so mom said "sure". So, all my kids are home except for those 2, who will arrive on Friday morning!!! Poor Emma has been terribly homesick and has called me numerous times throughout everyday since she's been there. She's a sweetie! Ryan ~ he's been his usual homebody self this summer! He's been busy playing his drums, listening to music, playing xbox...but he is turning into such a wonderful little man. He is such a HUGE help to me. He's always cleaning, helping me do stuff...I have seen such a BIG change in him. (I even get hugs and kisses now for NO reason) I keep asking "Where did Ryan go?"...but I LOVE the "man" he's becoming...such a great kid! (well, of course, they ALL are) Emma ~ she's the same. She's driving her brother's NUTS with Hannah Montana. LOL. I told them, just wait...this is only the beginning!!
Big Alex is here spending time with us this week, too. He towers over me now and is a terrific young man. He will graduate from high school this year and he gets his driver's license August 31st. did THAT happen???
Elliott is the amazing 2 year old!!! He is READING and spelling words already! He is a brainiac! He knows all his numbers up to 100, his ABC's (upper and lowercase)...just unreal. Reminds me of Kevin at this age. BRILLIANT! Gideon ~ well, he is my adorable little 8 month old. He is crawling, still bald...looks EXACTLY like Big Alex did as a baby!!!! We seriously can't tell the difference between his baby pictures and Gi's. (I will scan some and she you a comparison) It's like their twins, 17 years apart! (told you that Stanton gene was a strong one) ;) He is also trying to pull himself up to stand, so won't be long and he'll be running all over the place. Now, we are having an issue with food. The kid wants to eat everything EXCEPT baby food! He's eating pasta, pizza, cookies, crackers, french fries...last night he was gnawing on my cheeseburger and LOVED it!!!! I am honestly at a loss because I have to feed him OUR food or he'll throw a fit! LOL. He's cute as he can be though...great sleeper, great personality, smiles all the time...the perfect baby! Gosh...did I miss anyone?? Eric and I are doing just fine!! Eric's been super busy at work...then comes home and is super busy here. Poor guy never gets a break. I've been busy with my photography stuff, eBay, and now I am taking classes in Graphic Design.